Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fixing People vs. Research

While reading, I found myself interested in the idea of the "rubrics of science" and how they take on "empirical tyranny". The idea of having a control group is not a new one. It is something we hear about all the time and if you ever take a psychology class here at UB you can be part of an experiment where you can be part of a control group. But the idea that it was necessary to stop saving women who were in delivery distress because it messes up numbers does not make sense to me. The numbers are the numbers and in my mind to mess with those numbers negates the need for a control group in the first place. As the chapter goes on and speaks of problems of accountability it made me think of earlier in the book where it spoke of medicine and how politics were involved with medicine. The aid that this chapter brings about is politically motivated in some way. People campaign for it , though perhaps I am using political out of context here. This shows that the money to find the medicine to "fix" people actually trumps fixing people. Without having people you need to fix, you cannot get the money to fund research. But to manipulate numbers and in cases real peoples lives, that just shows that research has become more important than patient care. People are "campaigning" for money but they are campaigning with peoples lives.

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